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Open Access Policy
  GJAT provides immediate open access to its content on the principle that making research freely available to the public supports a greater global exchange of knowledge.

Committee on Publication Ethics
This journal is a member of and subscribes to the principles of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE)
ISSN (print): 2232-0474
E-ISSN (online): 2232-0482

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Creative Commons License
Global Journal Al-Thaqafah is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License.

Submission & Publication Guidelines

1. All articles must be original and previously unpublished. Original manuscripts must not have been submitted simultaneously to other journals for consideration for publication or previously published in a different language.
2. Articles must address/discuss issues that are of fundamental and international/global concern and importance from the perspective of Islam. Issues may speak to and address local contexts, but they must be of significance to the greater regional, global, and collective Islamic interests.
3. Articles must contribute and add value to existing Islamic knowledge and scholarship in the respective fields.
4. Articles submitted must be free from plagiarism. Inaccurate presentation of facts or misleading information will not be accepted.
5. Authors are fully responsible in ensuring the originality, accuracy and authenticity of all articles submitted.

Manuscripts may be written in English, Malay or Arabic.


1. Manuscripts must be written in MS Word with the following general specifications:
  • Font: Times New Roman, size 12 (only tables and figures may use sizes 8-11); 
  • Margins: 2.54 cm or 1 inch all round; 
  • Spacing: single spacing and justified.
2. MS titles are to be centered and using the size 14 font.
3. Citations:
  • Quotations of texts must be of font size 11 and indented at least 0.5 cm on both Left and Right margins.
  • Quotations of Qur'anic verses and/or Hadith texts in English and Malay manuscripts must appear only as translations of their original Arabic. No Arabic texts should be incorporated in the English and Malay manuscripts.
  • In-text referencing of Qur'anic verses should give mention of the Qur'an, the chapter numbers (not the name of the surahs), followed by the verse numbers; e.g., (Qur'an, 2: 255; or Q. 2: 255). As for hadith texts, reference is to be made to the hadith source, followed by the volume number, and then the hadith number; e.g., (Sahih al-Bukhari, v. 3, h. 123)


1. All articles must bear the title, main author and second author’s names (identifying who the corresponding author is), and full contact details of each author (affiliation, personal e-mail address, and cell-phone number). Please include your Orchid ID if you have one.
2. Every article must include a title and an abstract, as well as keywords. Manuscripts written in Malay or Arabic must always be accompanied by titles, abstracts and keywords in English. The maximum number of keywords is 5.
3. Each article may not exceed the length of 7500 words.
4. All article referencing (in-text and bibliographical) must follow the American Psychological Association (APA) style. An article-format template has been prepared for you to download and use.
5. All Arabic materials referenced in the Bibliography must be rendered in Roman lettering.
6. All manuscripts must strictly follow the required GJAT formatting standard and be thoroughly proof-read before submission. Manuscripts that do not comply with the format requirement or meet the basic publishable language standard will be out-rightly rejected and not subjected to any kind of review.
7. GJAT uses double-blind review, meaning that both the reviewer's and author's identities are concealed from each other throughout the review process.

1. All manuscripts must be officially submitted to GJAT via to be considered for publication.
2. Submission of your work to any other e-mail addresses will not be accepted.


1. All correspondence with GJAT regarding the submission and publication of your work must be officially done through Kindly submit all inquiries to the official GJAT e-mail address. DO NOT CORRESPOND THROUGH PERSONAL E-MAILS!
2. Any other form of correspondence will not be entertained.

1. Upon receipt of e-mails, GJAT will notify authors of the receipt of their submitted articles within 5 working days.
2. Authors will subsequently be progressively and duly notified of the conditions and status of their articles.
3. GJAT will notify all authors of the acceptance or rejection of their manuscripts within a period of 4 - 6 months. A notification of acceptance/rejection for publication will be issued to relevant authors in due course.
4. The Editorial Board of GJAT appreciates your patience and forbearance while your manuscripts are being processed and under review. Any demonstration of impatience and anxiety will not be entertained.

Acceptance for Publication
1. Authors will be notified of the upcoming publication of their works. Letters of acceptance will be issued along with copyright transfer forms.
2. GJAT will clearly convey its pre-publication conditions and requirements to respective authors; they are expected to comply with all publication terms and conditions.
3. Failure to comply with the terms and conditions will result in the delay or non-publication of their articles.
4. GJAT reserves the right to cancel its intent to publish any work without prejudice regardless of previous notification.