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Article 04

This Article

First published December 2011, doi : 10.7187/GJAT042011.01.01
Publisher Kolej Islam Darul Ridzuan, Perak, Malaysia.

Comprehending Peace in Religious Propagation in Islam
Hayati Aydin


The word ‘Islam’ manifests its meaning to the word peace which provides security and serenity to individuals and the community. The article focuses on this dimension of Islam and aims to present evidence from religious sources which assert that Islam is not a religion that supports terrorism but a religion which emphasizes peace and salvation.

As a noun, the word ‘Islam’ is a system of beliefs revealed by Allah to Muhammad (pbuh). In retrospect, in its verb form Islam is derived from the infinitive of transitive four category verbs namely if’al, Islam is "ef’aleyüf’ilus” infinitive form. The root of this word is also derived from the infinitive Arabic trilateral root of silm or salamet (peace and security). For this reason Islam is not only encyclopaedic definition referring to submitting or resigning oneself or one’s person to God or the will of God, surrendering to the will of Allah (God), but also has the transitive meaning (ta’diyat), becoming (sayrurat), becoming of anything over an adjective and criterion (ta’ridh).

Islam is not only the believer’s submission to Allah, but it also has peace and safety that spreads right throughout to others. It is therefore, benefitting every individual as well as the society.

Keywords: Islam; Inner peace; Security; Serenity; Universal religion; Spiritual knowledge


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